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What Is Eco Driving? – Everything You Need To Know When Going Green

Eco-Driving defined and explainedEco-Driving defined and explained
Eco-Driving defined and explained

Eco-Driving defined and explained

Eco driving is a new system that’s just becoming popular all over the globe. However, what are the basic practices of eco driving?

What do you need to know about eco driving? Continue reading to find out!

What Is Eco Driving, Exactly?

Driving more economical, safe, and ecologicalDriving more economical, safe, and ecological
Driving more economical, safe, and ecological

Eco driving is a term referencing driving that is more economical, safe, and ecological. The system of eco-driving has been present for some time now, but it has gained its fair share of popularity in the past few years in the transport industry.

The goal of eco-driving is to reduce fuel consumption and to provide insight into the driver’s driving style. Eco driving also refers to the style of it – to promote fuel efficiency and better fuel consumption.

Applying the eco driving system means analyzing the driving behavior and optimizing the style of driving to make fuel consumption more economical. The optimization of driving will not only promote fuel efficiency and cut back on fuel costs – it will also reduce the emission of carbon dioxide, cut costs of maintenance, exterior and interior damage to modern cars, and reduce the number of accidents.

What Are The Advantages Of Eco Driving?

Eco Owner's Manual Eco Owner's Manual
Eco Owner’s Manual

Eco driving is a global promotion of a healthy environment and road safety for everyone. It cuts back on petrol costs, it makes the driver safer in their vehicle, and it saves our planet from pollution.

Moreover, eco driving has more direct advantages to the drivers and the passengers. Those would have to be extra comfort when eco driving instead of regular driving and a more relaxed vibe in the vehicle.

So, the most important advantages would have to be:

Promotion Of A Healthy Environment

Training drivers for eco driving leads to fuel-efficient habits – so the fuel consumption is decreased by a lot. According to US EPA, smart driving is reducing fuel consumption by 33%. The fuel efficiency of the vehicles produces fewer carbon emissions, which helps save our planet.

What’s more – because eco-driving includes proper maintenance of the vehicles, and the vehicles are driven in an eco-friendly way, all that will reduce noise pollution. Urban areas of every city have this issue with traffic noise – and eco driving is here to help.

Eco techniques ought to help with noise pollution because the eco-style of driving is much quieter. The noise of one car’s engine at 4000rpm is equal to the noise of 32 cars’ engines going at 2000rpm – so, eco drive techniques can make the traffic less loud and the vehicles will consume fuel more efficiently.

Decreased Fuel Costs

This style of driving ensures that you are spending less gas when driving for all road users, not just those with cars. Saving money is almost guaranteed, no matter the engine size. Spending less money on gas means you have more fuel and more wiggle room to maintain your car and fix various things that need repairing after accidents.

One of the key principles of driving economically is steady speed, and the steady speed increases fuel economy. Also, picking out more fuel-efficient cars is one of the golden rules of decreased fuel costs for most drivers.

Increased Safety On The Road

Eco drive training reduces the commute costs, so it leaves you with more money to maintain and repair your vehicle (especially the engine) as needed. Because of that, the safety in traffic is increased. How so?

Well, training to drive economically saves the engine because of less acceleration during the daily commutes. Driving steadily makes your moves easier to anticipate by other drivers, so there are fewer accidents.

Fewer accidents on the road are also thanks to less overtaking. Drivers are taught to drive more relaxed, so it also includes less overtaking and generally, less stress while on the road.

What Are The Best Practices Of Eco Driving?

Topping up fuelTopping up fuel
Topping up fuel

There are many things you can do to be more fuel-efficient as a driver. Increasing the eco score of your vehicle requires many practices, and we will discuss them in this section.

Number one is – believing in the change. We can all do something to contribute to our environment, and the ecological system can help achieve this! Driving economically isn’t all about fuel costs and fuel efficiency, it’s also about saving the planet Earth!

We have talked that the style of your driving affects fuel consumption. The thing is, making a full stop and accelerating can burn fuel right out of your tank. It’s better to go at low speeds rather than stopping completely (if applicable). Also, try to avoid unnecessary idling in traffic because it uses fuel, as well.

Moreover, let’s talk about air conditioning, which can make your vehicle use up more gallons of gas. If you need the AC, try to stick to turning it on when you’re in a higher gear to save fuel.

Furthermore, maintain a solid speed instead of accelerating constantly when in traffic – lower speed tends to save on gas. Considering using the cruise control option as well – because it helps maintain solid speed and saving gas. Cruise control also makes the driver less likely to accelerate – promoting safety.

Another thing that can truly make a difference is the type of engine. Diesel engines tend to have better fuel efficiency because they consume less gas to run. The same thing is with automatic transmissions. A vehicle with automatic transmission can use up to 10% more gas rather than a car with manual transmission.

If you would like to know more, our manual can provide you with extra information on this particular subject!

What Do You Need To Know About Maintenance And Eco Driving?

Gas station Gas station
Gas station

Regular maintenance is the key to keeping your vehicle and other drivers safe on the road. Our manual for eco drivers can help, but the first thing you should reach for is your car’s manual.

Use the manual to find out what is the best motor oil for your car, and stick to the recommended motor oil for optimal fuel consumption. What’s more – one of the investments you should make is the tire pressure gauge.

Sure, nowadays car companies make every car with a special warning for drivers when tire pressure is too low. On the other hand, it’s always better to check your tire pressure before you go on a long trip. It affects fuel consumption, but it can affect safety as well.

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Other things you should consider investing in are quality tires, regular change of all filters, and professional maintenance for your A/C. Moreover, check the tires monthly, and schedule engine checkups on time – believe us, you don’t want to go out on a long trip if you aren’t sure of your car’s state. It’s irresponsible as the driver and you should do your due diligence and check everything out regularly.

What Is Eco Driving? – Bottom line

Enjoying a night driveEnjoying a night drive
Enjoying a night drive

Eco driving is a system all about fuel consumption and fuel efficiency. There are some things you can do to make your fuel consumption better as a driver, and just one of them is choosing a different type of engine.

Drivers need to stay up to speed about these things because it improves our life in general. If we avoid idling and accelerate only when truly needed – it will help the traffic be less congested, our planet less polluted, and drivers safer in their cars!

Read our Eco Driver’s Manual for additional information on how to become an earth-conscious driver!

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